Welcome to The Official Website of the Mayor of Hoffman Estates, Bill McLeod
You know me. I have lived here since 1978. I have been your public servant since my appointment as trustee in 1980. I have served as Mayor for the last 20 years. I LOVE being your Mayor. I have missed only 4 meetings in 40 years. This is a profound position of trust; that dedication has never wavered. In four decades. The village has always operated with a balanced budget. During recessions, pandemics and economic downturns. Our community needs strong, steady dedicated leadership which your village board and mayor provide. I ask for your support on April 6 – not only for me as Mayor, but also for our Clerk Bev Romanoff and Trustees Karen Mills, Karen Arnet and Michael Gaeta. Thank you.
Mayor Bill McLeod

Page banner photos by Andy Riviere, Family photos by Amanda Marscin and Mona Morrison, design by Jamie Marscin.